Market Vendor Loan

Product Details

  1. Loanable amount is from ₱10,000 to ₱50,000 maximum and interest rate is 30%-36% per annum
  2. Minimum term of three (3) months and maximum of six (6) months
  3. Mode of payment is daily, weekly, monthly, lump sum or on installment basis. Payment can be made through over the counter payment.
  4. No collateral required
  5. Co-maker is required
  6. If the borrower is married, his/her spouse is required to submit loan requirements and signed all loan documents signifying his/her consent.


  1. Open a GRBP regular savings account, 2 pcs. Latest 2×2 picture, atleast 1 Valid I.D, Barangay Clearance, Cedula/CTC
  2. Barangay Permit or Business Clearance and Picture of Business
  3. Proof of all income declared in Income Statement