Market Vendor Loan
Product Details
- Loanable amount is from ₱10,000 to ₱50,000 maximum and interest rate is 30%-36% per annum
- Minimum term of three (3) months and maximum of six (6) months
- Mode of payment is daily, weekly, monthly, lump sum or on installment basis. Payment can be made through over the counter payment.
- No collateral required
- Co-maker is required
- If the borrower is married, his/her spouse is required to submit loan requirements and signed all loan documents signifying his/her consent.
- Open a GRBP regular savings account, 2 pcs. Latest 2×2 picture, atleast 1 Valid I.D, Barangay Clearance, Cedula/CTC
- Barangay Permit or Business Clearance and Picture of Business
- Proof of all income declared in Income Statement